Humanitarian Works

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With the sole aim of providing service to mankind this unique force has been constituted by His Holiness Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan. Not accepting a single penny the volunteers provide dedicated and specialized services at par with any disasater management agency at a global level. Apart from the. COnstitution of this sepcialized body, more than a hundred humanitarian initiavtes are undertaken by the volunteers following the guidance and motivation by Hi Holiness Saint Dr. MSG Himself. Covering every single segment of the Society, these initiatives also include some novel measures for make lives better for the downtrodden and neglected sectiona of the Society. Here’s a list of the 167 humanitarian works undertaken by the volunteers of Dera of Sacha Sauda.


Recent Pledges

Keeping in focus the protection of all, Revered Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan has initiated two other welfare works and now total noble deeds carried on by DSS are 167. With the grace and benevolence of His Holiness, each disciple is ready to follow these by heart!



FLAME in elaborated words is ‘fixing life and air by lighting up oil lamps aimed at making the environment clean. The basic idea behind this initiative is to make the air virus or bacteria free by liting up oil lamps. In order to inhale purified air one need to light up 1-17 earthen lamps both in morning and evening with either clarified butter or mustard oil. Flaming of lamps will not only clean the air but at the same time will help in improving the mental and physical health.



With changing times, there is always a need for introspection and change in social fabric. Understanding this need, His Holiness initiated some very inspiring and effective Campaigns that are targetted at making lives better for the minorities and the neglected segments of Society. Challenging the social norms and age old customs, these initiatives focus on better life index thus bringing every section of Society at par providing them with better and a more fulfilling life.



youngsters are considered to be the lifeline of any Society. A healthy youth conrtibutes to a healhty and wealthy society. To achieve this goal, a number of initiatives have been introduced at thr rural and urban level to make sure youngsters stay out of the ill habits of consuming intoxicants and drugs. Also a number of measures are undertaken for suitable character building in the youngsters at a very young age. These include infrastructure buidling for sports, games etc and upliftment of character through spiritual programs.



Guruji seeks active participation of women at every level. Even the membership of the Shah Satnamji Green S welfare force wing is not restricted to just men, women are active members too. Apart from this a host of the initiatives are started to reinstate thte respect and safety of women at every stage. They are never considered any different from men and provided acrive participation at each cadre including sports, games even providing the right to performing last rites of loved ones, as against the age old customs, all thanks to His Holiness Saint Dr. MSG.



As part of this, a number of initiatives are undertaken to provide healthy living and medical facilities to the poor and marginalised. This includes facilities such as free medical examinations, screening for critical diseases from time to time as well as treatment for the same.



As part of this movement, campaigns are undertaken for the voiceless and meek creatures. Taking care of the strays, providing for food, care and shelter for the same. Efforts are also undertaken to make sure the massacre of these innocent creatures are stopped by humans for their various consumption needs.



This Movement caters to creating awareness and providing mediation facilities, thus helping in various social distress calls. This includes creating awareness towards various social issues such as population control, Drug and intoxicants rehabilitation, Legal service assistance etc.



A lot of initiatives are carried on wiht the inspiration of His Holiness Saint Dr MSG. These include providing tools and know how towards scientific and sustainable farming making sure the food producer is protected against various odds.



Motivating people towards saving the dying humanity in the wake of accidents on the roads, safeguarding the strays etc on roads and similar such initiatives. A deep sense of humanity pervades in the volunteers and they make sure every life is valued and provided with much love and care.



Dera Sacha Sauda being socio-spiritual organisation, spirituality is promoted amongst the masses for a peaceful and fulfilling life through spiritual discourses by His Holiness Saint Dr. MSG. Through spiritual practices it is made sure that the masses focus on character building and moral values are emphasized in a huge way.



This is a unique Campaign under which a host of problems are addressed right from making bodies available for medical research to nurturing the environment through bony remnants of humans after death. This acts as a two edged sword on one hand, making people accountable for the social issues



Initiatives conducted under this head, help in fueling Patriotism and a sense of belonging amongst the masses. Pledges are undertaken to look after the families of martyred soldiers, looking after the needs of soldiers rendered handicapped due to wars etc. Initiatives are also undertaken to restore and repair public property by the volunteers.



Aims at gifting smiles to the destitute souls, who are victims of destiny and misfortune. Providing education, food, clothing and shelter to homeless children. Initiatives are also undertaken to curb child trafficking, arranging marriage of widowers or physically challenged.